Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Get ready for a good deed!

Yes, you already know! Christmas is almost here and you're probably all excited about holidays. Damn right I am too. But listen there are some people, by this I mean me and some friends, who wanna make a special gift and we don't wanna be selfish in this. We wanna show that our youth can be involved. We are the future so let's show some heart for those in need. So.. I know your feeling like this is the part were you gonna have to close this tab as you might think I am asking for your money. I'm am but at the same time I am not! So read till the end. This summer I choose to make a dream of mine come true. It's silly but some people are weird in their me. So yes I quit my job to move to New York to volunteer for this amazing charity! When I first saw it I thought it couldn't really believe it. But seriously now it's real and it's damn special!Why? Do charity's in general donate 100% of your contribution to the cause? Yes there are some and this charity is one of them BUT on top of all that this charity calls their donors in the US to wish them "Happy Birthday" or send them hand written thank you cards.

I am talking about charity:water. The non-profit organisation is all in to bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing countries. Did you know that there is a water crises?! Did you?  Really? Maybe not but now you know. So do something different and I promise you my dream will be yours and together we will fund a water project. What?! I am not crazy or maybe I am but even you know that that is a good thing. Think about it. A water project can serve 150-300 people in a community with clean safe drinking water!!! After 18 months the project will be finished and we all can see the GPS coordinates on a map. Now why won't you give up something small like a cup a coffee, a cocktail in a pub, a 10% discount on some of your purchase. This is not the time to be selfish! This is the time to show your love. Imagine telling people you helped build a well in Africa or Asia. Isn't this something that will make them say: what?are you serious? 

A water project costs around 5000$ and I believe in 3 years we can do it! Or maybe faster! We have so many social media tools. And we all have maybe a friend who would give away 5$ or even 20$. What is 5$? Not even a pack of cigarettes! Seriously smokers!?

I ran in this water for a different cause and it was disgusting!(photo) So drinking this neaaaaaah NEVER! I can't save the world and neither can you but we can show humanity! We can make a difference. So be prepared. We will start the campaign soon and we will succeed. We will give this people a reason to smile! We will give them what they deserve:  clean, safe drinking WATER ! Cause water does change everything!

What would make you donate for my campaign?

We all this being said. Be prepared cause I count on each one of you :) And for all of you fast donors that I get the chance to see you will get a gift!

Do you ask yourself what's in for you?

Monday, November 12, 2012

What's next? and a day at a Turkish Haman

So I decided to still write on this blog. After the first day in Mexico I was busy and sometime stresses and thought nobody is reading so I should stop but than I hear people talking to me about reading this blog so why should I just stop? I love Stefi's shorts as on that blog I share my passion with you and try to make you smile. This blog though is personal and Here I an express myself and talk about my so called adventures.I will change the title and maybe the adress and keep it as a daily weekly or somwthing. Yeees :) I look forward to writing an article aboutthe states like a sum up.. but till than I'm in Turkey participating at an international project funded by the European union. It's about equality which is one of my favorite topic from all perspectives.

Enough thougj about this. Let me tell you the most important thing you have to do in Turkey. You go take a hamman bath or howeer you write it. First I thought it's silly..I paid 10 euro and for a swimming pool 2 saunas and a weird room called hamman. Well if you know me you know how I feel about spending money. But it was worth. I paid 2 extra euros and a Turkish guy made a peeling and washed my body an hair! Can i have someone to wash me everyday please?!!! It feels so good and relaxing. Imagine you come from work and your too lazy to shower and you just lay down and someone washes you. I call it heaven cause I love being clean and this way it's sooooo good! Afterwards all the employees took pictures with us and asked for our boyfriends and facebook addresses. It's cute how they just wanna take poctures with us. Is i because we are european women?We tried to have a conversation but they didn't even understand we wanted mineral water so yes we quite. I'm exhauste but this project is very funny and interestimg at the same time. I meet bulgarian, polish,latvian, lituanian and turkish people. I'm gonna go to sleep but remember while you are a student there are 2 mandatory things you have to do: erasmus and work and tave usa. Besides this try a project funded by the EU or join a student organization:)

Bunos noches amigos!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

One beautiful day at Chapala Lake

So as you know I am in Mexico. I came to visit a very good friend of mine who I meet in Germany during my Erasmus Scholarship. Since 2009 we continued to Skype and keep a friendship. He is one of the nicest guy I know. We made a promise to meet again and I also said I'll come visit him. In 2009 though when I came to the states I wanted to visit California and USA so the trip was delayed. Right now I'm here. He lives in a hugeeeeeeee gorgeous vintage house with his girlfriend, Consuela, who is an angel. She picked me up from the airport she showed me the house. All in all she is really lovely.

Today I woke up had finally a hot shower, as in NY our boiler was broken and I was using cold water to wash myself. Had a mexican style breakfast with tortillas and then we all had some drinks and left to visit Chapala Lake. We made the plan for the whole week so we're all set in the German style.

Mexico is similar to Romania. I don't wanna say something bad but things are just as they are and I will describe it from my point of view. The streets are also bad, the landscape is beautiful, there are "homeless dogs" on the streets and people here try to make a living from selling everything. Some sell flowers and candy and the traffic lights some try to sing something nice to earn some money. A guy even opened our car doors in order to get a little tip.

So we headed to Chapala. We we're starving so made our way to a restaurant there. Jose ordered my food and it was really good. The only thing it was hot! I need to get accommodated to the spiciness of food in here. But the naranja juice was so delicious.And let me tell you the view is so marvelous.  I still can believe I'm in Mexico. Weather is so nice and hot. Nothing as September is like. I wear shorts and t-shirt which makes me smile. I'm being silly but I just escaped from a stormy rainy New York. I don't know how to organize my thoughts. Cause I am tired and usually not good at this. So I will jump to the point we're I am feeling as a tourist. In New York I am a citizen here it's all about vacation. It's relaxing and I even bought the first souvenir for my parents.

This month Mexico celebrates it's independence and there are flags everywhere.

I am happy to be here and have such a great company.

I am very tired now so I will let picture speak the in the name of the beauty of Chapala Lake.

Almost forgot the ice-cream here. Delicious! They are crazy they have cheese flavored ice-cream which I didn't like but the vanilla, cookies and nuts it's different and very tasty.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Is this even possible

You wake up pretty early make sure you have money and documents take your back pack and hurry to the airport. Before though I stop at a russian shop to get a butter cheese bagel.All set I make it to the Laguardia airport. Kinda small but fully equipt with ipads ready to use only. Surprised! It' s all on delta. I make my way to Atlanta and baaaaam! This is the biggest airport I've ever been on! It's huge. Reminds me of Schipol. I make it out to my gate passing a lot of shops an even riding the airtrain. All set and ready for Mexico I decide to call my mom. After I hang up I decide to eat my subway sandwich. And suddenly a girl just tells me bon appetit in romanian. I feel so surprised and try to recognize he but no chance. I start feeling bad till she says she heard me talk in romanian and came over. Imagine she was at Ocean City is from TMbase and is visiting a friend she meet 4 years ago as an erasmus student in Spain. And I though I am special and do crazy stuff. I wonder if we will hang out in Guadalajara:)

I had to share! Besitos y abrazos!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

It is what it is

It's been some time that I haven't been writing anything. But I'll make up for that right now. So all I pretty much did is hang out with a friend who happens to be a police guy. It is so funny cause I don't have to worry about nothing. He is really nice and funny. He is kind of a surfer and we hang out at cool places so far. Besides this though I've been getting to know a Haitian girl and a Dominican guy from work. They are lovely. She's like 26 and his 23 and already has a little princess. Is great cause I get to know different people and different stories. And yes talk to more grown ups. OK. I don't know I feel like getting boring so I'll just go to the hard part.

Everyone is wired for struggle. Life is hard and people are mostly bad and mean. I feel this has to be said. It doesn't matter if you back or withe, gay or straight, women or man. We should be all treated with the same kind of respect and equality wherever at our free time or at work.

I recently released how fortune I am. My friends are the best. Love you all so much.

I can't get enough of New York. In two days I'm going to Mexico to celebrate my birthday. It's all happening. Even though I've been to hard times I feel like I never wanna leave. Besides the food which is the worst thing ever I kinda could be a new yawker. I miss my Worldclass workouts, my going out at Control club, my cooking and healthy eating but still music at parties omg so much better that home. I know what will happen I'll be at a party putting some music and all be like what's that?!  Is good.

I'm tired as hell. It's so cold. Yesterday I was chilling on the beach. I got home soooo late! I have to shower and all that. So I leave you with a bit of a messed up post but promise to try write more and better..Things happen fast though!


Saturday, September 15, 2012


Sorry for the delayed post but if been working and doing stuff.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 always remeber

It never been so hard to walk from the subway station to the ferry. Today was 9/11. There was the memorial flags around battery park next to the memorial which is a sculpture that stood between the two towers and was moved here damaged to remember the tragic day. I was passing by trying to take a silent moment. I turned off my music and though about someone I lost. Next to me a older women was crying so bag. 3000 people from over 30 nations. That is devastating. And what I just found out is that after this 1000 people died of disease related to 9/11. Because of the smoke and all the bad air a lot of people got cancer and live now a very bad life. There is a fireman. He actually was the last one walking out of on of the tower saving 2 people after him the building crashed. He survived. He got cancer though, but this changed him. Today he visited the last National Park of USA. He visited all the other as he decided to do this after that day.

"Society blind by color, Why hold down one to raise another
Discrimination now on both sides, seeds of hate blossom further
The world is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
We may rise and fall, but in the end we meet our fate together." (c)

Always Remember.

Monday, September 10, 2012

When I get sad I start being happy instead

This morning I had a rough starting of my day. I was kinda sad of some stupid things that just made me realized how stupid and childish I could be sometimes. I woke up pretty early for my free day and made my way to the B&H and bestbuy. September is my birthday so this year I am kinda selfish. I didn't give 100% of my bday away cause I .. (it's not a real reason). Next year though I will!!! So I got one of my gifts, got my mom something she asked for and than made my way to Soho to look for a backpack. Hadn't found a good one at a low price so I'll keep looking. What was nice though was the guys singing in the Subway. They made me smile. I love this about New York. Sometimes people just start singing or dancing or performing in the subway to earn some extra money. One day some guy just started talking about the presidential votes and who not to pick and how 50% of the people who finish college work at Burger King. It's sad..Anyways my co-worker Loredana said one right thing: the "if you can make it in NY you can make it everywhere" is wrong cause "if you can make it in Botosani you might make it everywere". Yes she got her point.

Anyways..I got another I am so lonely moment. Got to hang out with people that are way to young for my age so I went a bit down. Thank good though I have this amazing nice place I go and volunteer for and meet so many inspiring people. It's of cource charity:water organisation. So we had this huge volunteer night. We all got pizza and hang out doing lots of stuff spreading the world about the September Campaign. If you still don't know what that is. Shame on you - So we wrote thank you notes for all the September campaigners, we called some campaigners to wish them a happy bday (sadly I just got to their voice mail), we e-mailed and we liked the chase community giveaway for charity:water. How? Simple. Just go on your facebook search Chase Community Giveaway than search charitywater and vote for it.(|22-3936753|fb_aggregation_id|288381481237582|fb_action_ids|282929418478725)
It will change life's in Rwanda!! This is quite important in my opinion!

I meet some lovely people at charity:water. Even though they thank me every time I go I actually have to thank them. It's such a great atmosphere there and the people I meet amazing. Stephanie,Grace, Uma, Alice and everyone else. So lovely so passionate so amazing!  Alice actually even gave me a book she wrote. Can't wait to read it.

Below is the video from the party for the 7th anniversary! I volunteered and helped at the door. We raised 20.000$. Things will get better. Rwanda will get safe, drinking water. Be part of it! Share, like, donate, volunteer, whatever you like!

PS please like this : =>
my picture :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

An amazing summer!! 2012

Yes! Summer is over. With 2 months left of my stay in NY(let's hope for that cause there are still some things I have to fix..) I have to say I ha a great adventure. The purpose of this trip was selfdiscovery, celabration of my succesful graduation and giving back to the comunity. Of course I laugh at the selfdiscovery thing but even though it was an important part of my trip. Guess what?I didn't find anything new. I passionatly live every day as who I am like before. So I don't know. I did celabrate and gave back to the comunity and above all I filled my llife with a great experience. I really understand why ppl buy I <3 NY T-shirts! It's because NY is more than a city. I could call it my summer rollercoaster. I've cried and laughed.

Besides allthe above I miss my friends. It's harder this way but worth it!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

9/11, Company Dinner and American Museum of History

Last week was great. I managed to cross two places I wanted to visit from my list.

On my day off me and my roomate made reservations to 9/11 memorial. Let me tell you it's a wonderful memorial. I remember reading incredibly close extremly far book going trough the story of a young boy who lost his dad on 9/11at the WTC. It was a horrible event. 3000 people from over 90 nations died. It terrifies me. The memorial is quiet and calm. After a competition the design of the memorial was chosen. Where the twin towers where standing there are two massive waterfall fountans in the shape of the buildings. You hear the water going down in a whole. I think it greatly expresses the sadness of the past event.
After seeing this we walked accross wall street and made our way the thw Goveners Island where we enjoyed a free design exhibition. Loved it! It just reminded me of my trip with Anda to Boston and of the fact that soon I have to go to the Museum of Modern Art!!!!

Work is much easier now. The number of customer decresed and our programm is shorter. A lot of students lef and others (americans) start school aswell. Our management organised and annual company dinner to thank us for our work. I also thank them for a great summer. It was a poor summer but filled with smiles and respect. They are all great people and so happy I got the chance to meet them. Dasha I think made a great movie which I have to share with you! It was really nice, ended though at 11pm :(

I'm tired to write more. All there was more is a great tour of the American Museum of National History, a walk on 6th ave., a lot of time at B&H shop, trying on my bdaygiff hopefuly a Fossil watch and a hug with Snoop Dog.

Love and peace!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Six flags day

I can say I have a nice employee. Besides all yhe bad things that happen at work that I keep to myself somw good things are organised for us. This week I went to six flags park only paying a little part of the price. I feel like I am getting old. I was seriously scared of the rides allthough I tried everything. The park is ok, could be better..but nice. I think Bush gardens 3 years ago was better. So I had a great crew for the day so we did flash pass we rided twice our favorite rides. It was lovely. I was so exhaused when I got home I missed my subway station.

I miss u all a lot. I just hug u in my dreams.. Even though I like it here I wish I'd be home to my healthy food, my workout, family and friends and much more.


Funny fact

Today it's labor day in USA which officialy closes the summere season. In Romania labor day is 1 mai the day officialy openimg the summer season. Funny,right?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Short catch up

So I found a place to stay. I made an ad on craiglist about the fact that I need a roomate. So I found a guy from Croatia. He came to see the room and when he left my landrord, who's romanian by the way, looked at me and said no I don't want him his a party boy. I said fine I just put it on Facebook an I might have some luck. After 5 min Yusef a guy I lived with in the beginning in New Lots says he needs a place aswell or a roomate. He checks my room out he likes it so I tell my landlord.But of course she askes where He ia from so I say Jordan. She just says no,she's like: I don't want any arabic people blabla. I didn't waste my energy anympre although I got lotsnof call regarding the room. I went to see his place. It's gorgeouse. I get look out the window I see thr beach and the Ocean. I live with a russian family. It's us the lady her 7 year old daughter and her 22 year son. It feels like home. I asked her last night if I could us her laptop she said of course whatever you need you can use! My ex-romania-landlord lend me hers after begging for it and than she didn't give me the power cable. She just said you have 2 hours. Seriously I am kinda happy I'm out. In october I need a place for only 2 weeks cause afterwards I travel :)

Tomorrow is Six flags day the day after tomorrow Backstreetboys concert.

So yes I'm back on track! It's an amazing adventure!
But even though I niss all the little things! I miss real food!!!!!

Heaven or hell?

Last Saturday was The MS Muck Ruckus race. It was amazing. I can't believe I ran 5 miles through the forest facing that many muddy obsticales.Let me tell you being covered in mud is the most fun thing ever. I managed to raise 173$ and also finish very good the race. Afterwards I was having a shower from the water of the fireman. It was hilarious but also so exhausting I went home and sleept till the other day.

I don't know how many of you know but I have a blog, Stefi's shorts, where I put a lot of ads, shors, prints or just thing that make people smile or just say ohhh this is nice. The most views has an article full of pictures from Googles offices. Guess what! Yesterday I visited Google NY. My friend Amalia bf is an intern ther so we all went to visit. I wish I would work there. What an amazing office and all that free godies, chocolate, drinks, everything!!!! They treat their employees really good. We we're playing Rock Band for hours in an conference room that had couches designed as bath tubs. I wanna learn to play the drumms for real! It's so hard and fun at the same time.
But of course all goo things come to an end. So all my excitement was blewn away. My roomate is going to leave(we just moved in a couple of days ago..) but she found sone family friend in NY were she will move in. I will have to figure something out...It is really sad cause I loved this place It is 10min away from Manhattan. It's the point were I wish I had a friend over. But I kinda have a way to get out of this. We'll see! I let you know!

I'm at the beach now!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Check this out!

I recently uploaded a picture to a competition where I could win an Ipod touch. If you do like this picture just hit the like button -!/photo.php?fbid=10151168984227025&set=o.261704547435&type=3&theater Besides this try see what's on the right side of my blog. This September is about Rwanda! Thank you ! Let's hope I win! 3 more days!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


I don't know what will happen. I might come back home earlier than expected. You never know.I have a place to stay till next week than I have to move out. I don't have where to go I still hope smth will come up. A friend from romania asked me to move in with them but their roomates didnm't agree. Now I just feel like everything is falling appart. Now I keep thinking maybe I am in the wrong place and I have to go home. I cannot do this anymore. This is the hardest part. Maybe i will find a roomate i dont know. Whatever happens happens..

if you have anyone in ny who could elp me out let me know..

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I love my days off

Yesterday was such a fun day. My work collegues are so hilarious sometimes it just makes my day! And I have a new "hommie" the paul frank weirdos. I really enjoy it. John from HR brough watermelon so it was perfect Right now I'm just fingers crossed for tacos day to win against spanish day.

Whatvwas not that goog is that I found out because of the stupid thunderstorms who keep bothering us I just made 32h this week which is taugh. I have to keep it low for the next 2 weeks..but don't worry tomorrow i win the lottery.

So wake up on a sunny morning planning between beach or zoo. Weather channel said there is a 60% chance it will rain. Who cares. I felt like letting the sun easily tan my skin so I just did my 15min jogg and went straight to Rockaway beach. What a gorgeous beach! Even better than Ocean City MD. It's clean, quiet and cozy! Just beautiful! I left shortly before the rain started. Made my way home and chilled on the terraxe watching the evil rain. I felt ba for my collegues. I hope they didn't go home early.

And now ladies and gentelmens let me introduce you to the highlight of the day!(background drums) Another milestone reached. My flight ticket to MEXICO is booked!!! I'll celebrate my bday mexican style. It's unbelievable but if you really want something thigs just happen. You might think maaaan she speaks like the people in this movie called the secret, but than look around my friends we all make whatever we set our mind to. Right? So yeees I'm flying. Scare though cause I don't understand their sistem.. I think I don't have any meeal included although My trip is 8h long. I will be stravingly dieimg hahha

What day is today. Wednesday is charity:day. I'm so passionate about this org. I will defineatly start fundraising for my 5000$ weel for Africa! I don't know how but I will make it. People deserve to have access to safe water. Even if it will take me more than 2 years I will bother each one of you to donate!!!
Today I took pictures with a Jerry can. Charity: water is an aweaome
org. I wish I could be in December here for charity ball. I'm really living a gorgeous life in NYC.

I love step up, I mean te flash mob thing, the viral and all the social media. Although a bit too predictable the base idea might has been sweet. Next movie is for sure Bourne Legacy.

PS Chinese lunch rules!!!

Remember Saturday is my MS Muckus race, maybe you'll help me reach 300$ . I would know you out with a hug when I see you.

And happy bday to all Maria's!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

short wrap up

Life is gorgeouse!

This week 2 of my girls back home had their bday and I'd have loved to quickly get bback home give them a tight hug and kiss and asap return to the states.

I always tough the I <3 NY shirts are shitty but that was just be being atupid. NY steels your heart in a glimps, it makes you cry or laugh your heart out, it gives you hope and it is always open to welcome you. I'm sure NY loves me too! We make a great family!

(short fact: NYC is lacking of UHT milk but offers almond milk!!!!)

So Friday! Wake up at 4 30 am. Leave home on nightime. Get to central park. Get a free Pepsi and a grea spot to see a free One republic concert!!
Good Morning America!!!! One republic's new song is amazing!

Run to work! Catch the 4 train and ferry at the last second. Get to work. Start warming up but how? Storm is coming. That's at least what we tought. So after 1h of rain our manager decides to send us home. At 14!!! I lost 6h which is money. Money isn't everything I say to myself while i leave the sunny island (as the rain stopped an the sun was shinning). I get to Blue Man Group catch a student rush ticket watch the show and go home. The show similar to the one I sa w yaers ago in Las Vegas, but still good! Decide to sleep 1h and go out. Fall alslept till the morning. Just a Friday in NY.

I'm exhausted. I had a nice Sunday aswell.

Peace everyone!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

So true

What will happen at the end of this summer?

I think I'm in love

This is my summer paradise. 2009 was the best year of my life. It made me become more confident and made me understand who I am better than ever and one of my best friends and especially Iulia knows that. In 2009 I studied in Germany and spend my summer in Ocean City. I managed to see a lot of USA. I've been to Atlantic City, Virgina Beach(Williamsburg), Washington, Philladelphia, Boston, Niagra Falls, New York, Los Angels, San Francisco, Grand Canion and Las Vegas. I was a rich work&travel student. I used to work 60-70h as I found a 2nd job. I was a housekeeper&laundry person at Quality Inn and a cashier/barista at Dunkin'Donuts. It was a summer I will remeber. Right now life is different. I'm not rich I live in NYC working 36-40h at Liberty Island which I have to say is a lovely experience. I tried to find a 2nd job for more then 2 weeks but with no luck! Rent and MetroCard are expensive. Lunch though is free thanks to my employer!! My landlord keeps telling me I could get a 2nd job easily if I just put a diffrent outfit on. Not casual and no convers snickers! That won't be me!! Would you see me in a dress with a large v cut top and some make-up and balerina shoes or whatever you call them? I might try it but on the other hand life is to short to waste it. I'm in NYC exploring a open-minded city full o adventures! It take me 1:20h to work not 15 bike minutes like in Ocean city). It's a big city! But it's way better than Bucharest where we have the hottest summer in the last 53 years and some political issues around. So this AC subway life is way above my capital,lol. Imagine it took me a 20min walk to our "Manhattan"! My life is a energetic adventure. This week I had 3 days of(usualy I had 2 but I made it to work 10h a day 4d/w thanks to my understanding manager and schedeule planer):Mon,Tue and Wed. I was thinking first that it's bad cause I might get bored, but no sign of that. Monday was common free day to me and my roomate. We planned going to the beach or to United Nations. Did she wake up? Noooo! I'll woke up, jogged, showered and had breakfast but I couldn't get her out of bed. So I made my way to Madison Square Garden cause I needed new shoes! I bough 1 beautiful pair and was sad I could find 2 as they would take 50% off the 2nd pair. I tried my luck at the register and found out I can come back with the receipt till 8sept and get te 2nd pair discounted!Niceeee! All happy with my new shoes I had some lunch and heded towards United Nation. It was a great experience. There is so much I'm missing out! I've learebd how this organisation is build and how it manages towards a peaceful world. What impresed me the most was a plastic can with some kind of peanut butter and rice inside. We have a crisis in Africa.People die of hunger! So UN flies aroud Africa and launches this little packs thanks to the support of airline complanies like KLM, Lufthansa a.o. One Peanut Butter can saves a child. It is sweet and full of calories so it can rescue a child from death in 3 days.They also have a website: where you could play for free and people get free rice. It is amazing! It is sponsored by a company that puts ads on the website. It's similar to facebook! What I also heard is that Beyonce is filming her new video at UN and will donate all the benefits.

"As long as one child is hungry, our life will be filled with anguish and shame.What all these victims need above all is to know that they are not alone; that we are not forgetting them..." Elie Wiesel 1986
So you might wanna go on and spend some time doing something that has such a big impact on others life!

So after this I just walked across 5th ave so I could meet up with a friend. On my way though at Bryant Park I just stumbled across NY Public Library. Did you see any american movie that shows a library. It is as stunning as in movies. One reading room is as long as a football field. I wonder though how people can concentrate in there as so many turist come daily in and out!

Monday was a really hot day! So I decided to go Tuesday to the beach. I woke up got ready and left my house early. I'm lucky I have a 45min away bus to Rockaway beach till next week when I will hopefully move out. I got there and it was marvellous. It was really clean and quite compared to Coney Island. There is no music on the beach or anyone trying to sell you something. It just is soooo peacefull, at least at 9:30AM. The ocean water was not cold at all so I enjoyed a lovely day in the sun and water. I also convinced my landlords cousin to come with me to Chicago xD
This tough is not the end of my day.I still signed up for the Art of Brooklyn Film Festival were I volunteered. I handed out flyers and served wine in the evening afterwards getting the chance to watch a documetary film for free. ( what impressed me is that while handing out flyers I overheard an polie event that was celebrating a safer Brooklyn and evisioned a future without guns and gunshoots)It was called Hip Hop Hassid and it shows how a jewish religious person tries to speak out about the racial conflicts in Crown Heights between the Jewish and Black commuity. (It was really good!) You could try find it online it has a funny side to. So very tired I headed after these to a party which was actually a nice one. I like this parties more than in my home country as they are more cozy ones.. Although I liked it I went home early as I was exhausted and rewarded myself with a longer sleep!

And as I got to my last vacation, or actually off day which is sad I am happy to tell you that I found out that the central park is more a man build park. I hope i got that correct. I had a lovely day in the marvellous central park. It just felt like I'm in a different place. The views are just amazing and I realised I should try to eat more of my usual nutrition meels as that gives me energy an that coke is a good coffein boost although I am against it. I tried to sleep in the grass but it didn't feel comfy so I looked for a bench and found the farytail bench where I chilled and for a short nap. I love Central Park!!!! I really is amazing to walk around it. Unfortunately though this walk had to end as I had my charity:water open house volunteer night. I just was like always impressive and on my way back from the restroom I also saw Scott Harrison, CEO and founder of charity:water! I just said hi as it looked like a familiar face cause he's in all the videos and after he passed I just reallised. I wanted to be like Scott would you like to take a picture with me?haha but there was no one there and I thought it would be stupid. It was enough seeing the person that inspired me to choose NYC for my summer and for my volunteer plans. September campagne is great! I liked it but I can't share anything about it.. But keep in mind that we have a water crisis! 80 billion people don't have access to clean, safe drinking water. What if this september you give up something so with 20$ you give clean water to someone you never heard of? I will do my best and share all the September campagne as their goal is really important.

And now that I'm so exhausted and tired let me tell you I think I'm in love. (thank you for reading till this point) I actually figured out I don't fall for image as much a I fall for personalty and smartness..Right now though it is clear I get week knees in front of passionate, energic, happy and lovely people. Passion makes my interst raise and my heart to put awkward smiles on my faces. So I have the e mail adress a phone number now let's see cause I am afraid of drama.

I wanna get involved with charity:waters campagne so fingers crossed cause I wanna send them one of my ideas by the end of this week!

If you ever have questions just shoot!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

New York Gossip

I never watch gossip girl or any of that show like desperate housewives or sex and the city(just when forced).But why not go see their hot actors and than tell everyone about'm just showing off, they didn't wanna take picures with us cause they were bored but I can tell you I made eye contact with Penn Badgley and he looked tired of bored like almost everyone feels sometimes at work and Chace Crawford wasn't even paying attention to the crowed of 15year old girls and me and a friend.

Next time I just wish I watch the cast of Suits playing! Who knows! Good night!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Awesome times, again and again

I feel like some thi gs never change. If you choose to be happy wherever you are than it will always work. I thi k I got back to my gorgeouse daily schedeule. I left home around 9 in the morning and I mike make it home just around midnight. I had this guy who promised me a job and I kind of worked for him like 5h and no pay. He said I will get a job.. and that someone will call me but nothing.. I'll check back with him tomorrow and we're probably done! It was fun though and a I ha a nice time. He looks like a good person being very great at customer service. The place is called Gardenia Deli and sells delicious food. At 3:30pm I told him I have to go. I was starvibg and went to one of my fav fast food places subway. There is another top 1 in my list, it sells mexican food and it's called CHIPOTLE!! I love their burito but I am not that excited cause I'll hit big when I'm in Mexico.
At subway the guy who made my sandwhich asked my if I want to marry hin and of course I said yes. Now I have a new boyfriend, lol. But stupid me gave him my nunber.. probably you all know why hahaaaaa!

MaaaaaN I love NYC. At 5 I went with Oz and some other to some kind of party. On a sunday we have party?! And not just a party, free entrance, 1h open vodka bar and a gift t-shirt aswell. Let me tell you the party was nuce but the music was nothing I ever here in Romanian clubs. This is so nice. I keep celebrating my graduation and I still can pretend to live the student life. October scares me..I really wanna get an internship where I work but it's pretty hard as these are offered to 2nd and 3rd timers. I though will keep my hopes up and enjoy every second. Things happen for a reason so I'm just gonna go with the flow because good things always happen when you have blue eyes. For example I was working at Oracle Reference team which was a bad place. Things where kinda screwed up but I made some lovely friends over there and the guy who I thought is so childish turned out o become obe of my best friends,my zuchina. And I moved to another department where I learned aome knew things and enjoyed my time with a manager who knew how to keep me happy. So, my advice stay cool and let yourself float wherever your heart tells you.

I miss you all a lot. I wish you could all be here. You would love it a much as I do and we could discover so many things. Bucharest is ok but NYC is above expecions. Get your visa and more your ass here! I'll give you a private statue of liberty tour with the est haute dogs on the island.

I feel bad I couldn't vote for a better future but this is how I role now.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Back in Romania I used to work as a support renewal rep. I had around 140 who I handled. They were all from Germany and it was a nice job. It was a nice office job. Not to hard not to easy just perfect for my student period. I liked end of quarters cause I had to chase my partners and convince the to sign the new support contract.

I lived 15 min walk from citycenter and had the greatrst friends ever. I ha my fav events my Worldclass kick box and cycling class, swimming pool and lovely control club.

Now I live like 1h away from work + 15 min ferry time, I have to do airport security every day and I work as a food service sales cerk mistly cashier. Question is am I liking it, I love it. The international students are amazing! We have Bulgarian, Serbian,Dominican R., Italy, France, Ukraine and so on. It is quiat a new experience and very different from the one in 2009. I reaaly enjoy my time here. Imagine chilling at theBrookly promanade wAtching the city, in Central park or on the High line. i volunteered and one of my fav charity and I raised more than 100$ for MS(multiple sclerosis) fundraise mudrace. On the 18 august I'll get dirty with some workcollegues and also some managers. It's lovely. I will get to details soon! I stii wanna push the fundraise to 300$. A lot of ppl helped me out 1$ here 5 $there and sometimes even 20$ from my Michael, who works in HR and actually hired me. I do remember the interview pretty well. I was so nervous my nees shook the table and Mike was like: are you nervous. I'm just thinking should I say no. Did he notice the moving tabe. hahaa I never been that nervous at an interview. But than he just said welcome bak to the states and it was over!!! New Yoooooork!

The journey is like a rollercoaster but I feel good. It keeps me going.And probably soon I get my flight ticket to Mexico! I am so excited you can't even imagine!! This will be my 3rd hangout with Jose althouh the first time I told hin you meet someone twice in life.

Cheers! Have a crazy friday night!:D

I agree

Last night I was in some club, it was nice and now I am exhausted. Thank God it was raining a bit today so the air was chill. So as I am to tired to get into detail I leave you with this funny e card.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

charity:water first time volunteer

I feel great. Today was a really nice day. Besides the fact that I couldn't go to Bronx zoo as it was to crowded I had a sunny day. I had some short pool time at the Brooklyn Bridge park from where you can admire NYC and than rushed to charity:water offices. It is not that big but still gourgeous and nicely desiged. They have the yellow water gallons you see on their website all over the place abd lots of beautiful pictures from their projects. There was a really nice background music and we all sat in a conference room around a table writing thank you postcards to supporters. I think it's really great that they send hand made cards insted of computer written ones. Stephanie the coordinator was very nice and showed me around. I wrote 23 thank you postcards! I am so proud right now. I even got my volunteer welcome pack and a charity:water wristband.I always wanted to come here and I made it. I am really happy and excited! September campaign is coming so there will be various other volunteer activities coming up! Now I'm gonna just try to make some pancakes with my friend from Romania. Life is beautiful!

Kisses everyone

Daily news in NYC metro newspaper

This morning I've tried to make it to the Bronz zoo as today there is only a donation fee. It was though to crowded to wait the longest line ever so I decided to take some pool time. On my way there I just read the Metro Daily Newspaper. I'n stunned. Headline is "Pot O'Gold at the end of the rainbow. The article is about how gay marrige raise mire than 200mil $ and how it boosted up the economy. Mayor Michael Bloomberg says: "Marrige equality has made our city more open, inclusive and free - and it has also helped to create jibs and support our economy". Therefore I just can say +1 for NYC opend minded state and happy bday to it's 1 year aniversary! One they maby the whole world would stop waisting time energy and money to ban love and make it legal as per also recent Google project legalize love.

Enough about happy news..
There was a big shooting in Colorado at the screening at the latest "Batman" film. 12 people died and 58 are wounded. This is heartbreaking..!!!All the killer said was that he wanted to show the people Batman ain't gonna save them. This is horrible news but this is what you get in USA.. I hope that was the last time I heard something this sad..

Later on friend :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pool party fun ~

What a lovely day I had. Working at Evelyn Hill is seasonal. We are more than 50 students working at this place for the summer only and guess what they treat us as full- time employees. We get some special events organised for us only. Today it was the pool party ar Bob, one of the managers, house. He prepared everything. Seriously!! Woke up early again took a bus and got to his home. Fresh bagals were ready to be eaten with butter or Philadelphia creme. There were fruits and some orange juice. Everything was ready. He served us the whole day a great time. We played at the pool till he called us for the american kind of bbq. But till the bbg we had tons of snack like chips and nachos with various type of sauces. YAMMI! The bbg They wasn't the way we do it our but it was still delicious. I might sound boring write niw but imagine a sunny gourgeous day at the pool, jumping, playing, swimimg, laughing and much more and all that at a managers house. Would Mark Hurd , Larry Ellison or Leo Apotheker ever give me such an authentic experience? I don't know but i think this summer I will get more surprises from working at this place. Did I tell you we also had pizza and pasta day only for employees and HR manager John and Intern Dasha served us lunch? We do work hard but they always know how to thank us. Really now I ain't messing with you and my direct manager, she has it, she handles it pretty well and she know what people management is. I like it.
After the pool party we all hanged at a bar and than I meet a friend. She showed me around Brooklyn and we chilled a bit. If I could only upload the picures from the promenda you'd star enving me.

As I am writing I am falling a sleep but tomorrow I'll be back I still have to tell you all about the MS fundraise mudd race and the charity:water volunteer time. I am excited!

I miss you all my lovely gorgeous friends. Hope your summer is fine. Whenever you could make a comment..

speak soon


I am going to volubteer for charity:water! My first goal will be achieved wednesday!!!! Isn't this the best thing ever. I know your just thinking I am crazy coming to NYC and volunteering. do me a favour google this non- profit organization and you'll see it yourself. I'll be making hand written thank you notes :) I am happy!

Besides this i just signed up for the funraise 10kn run for the multiple sclerosis organisation. To participate though, i mean just to run, I do have to bring 100$ as a donation. i look good though I allready raised 46$ and the race is on the 19th august. I will definetly be a good cause fun a there are more ppl from work participating.

Having said all the above I won't bore you with anything else.

PS pool party at my boss house soon!

Friday, July 20, 2012

When it feels like everything goes wrong

You might think living in NYC is easy. All I can say is that everyday starts with a challange. You have to be ready to fight.
Today I feel a bit lonely and sad(it did rain though). I hope it's not a breakdown but a spiritual awakening. My trip to Mexic is jepperdised as I might not be aloud to leave USA in Octomber. I can't find a 2nd job and I'm missing having a buddie around. There is Wicked, Blue Man Group, Shakespear in the park, Movies at Bryant Park, Museums, Exhibitions and much more but not really someone to share this awesome things with. Furthermore I can't attend my voluntary opportunity at Charity:water because of work..Right now it might suck but tomorrow will look better.

I want to share an authentic experience although I am a bit down right now..

I feel like you should know i miss you!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lovely Queens

As you might now I moved out of Brooklyn to Queen. My roommate and a friend of her suggested we should check out the neighbour so we just went for a walk. Guess what we found the best bakert ever!! We just went inside and it was full of marvellous cake slices and sweets. One of the best cake slice I've ever tasted. When was the last time you had a lovely evening at a bakery? Childhoooood. Imagine it was so sweet. Crazy Americans they double the quantity of sugar even in bread the add it. Do we add sugar in bread? I'm just wondering cause it would be silly right?

If I could I would call Jamie Oliver right away so he could start bringing change. Actual healthy change. I miss my food even the canteen at Oracle. I bought tuna and chees yesterday but it was awful..I will have to try some other type of cheese and maybe who knows hahaaaa

Ok folks I'm out to work