Saturday, September 14, 2013

How to donate to Stefi's 25th birthday for India if you want to?

I have been asked from various people how they could donate if they would want to.
Well that is really easy.

1. The first step is go to - >

2. Than you have to choose the amount. Here you have 3 options: either 1$, 25$ (my age) or as much as you want (every $ is welcome)

3. You will be routed to a diffrente page. Here you can put the amount of money you want to donate in dollaras. Write your First Name and Last Name and you message. If you'd like to stay anonymously than just thick the check box.
4. Now click on the pay by card as shown in the picture above. (With PayPal I am not familiar - sorry).

5. You will be re-directed to a secure payment page:

  • Card number are the 16 digits on the front of your card
  • Expiration date is also on the front side of your card
  • CVV: the 3 digit number on the back of your card

Then enter your
  • E-mail
  • Adress
  • City
  • Country
  • Postal code

Hit Submit Dontation and that's it :)



Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday happiness

I am exhausted. It has been a long week, actually too long but when I look back it has been a great one too. I have accomplished all I had in mind. The campaign video, Romanian version, has been published and reached 176 views, awesome! Facebook page has been launched. People who I didn't get to tell about "Stefi for India" asked about it themselves because of seeing it on Facebook and gave such a great response to it. I feel blessed and I have to say THANK YOU to each one of you who shared the message, either you told a friend or you shared it online, it did make a great impact. 

At this point we reached 100$ which means 2 people will get access to clean, safe drinking water! Isn't it great!? 

The cost for one person to get clean water in India is 45$. This is a bigger sum than in some other countries in Africa where it reaches 20$. The answer to this is in the picture below.

And now I want to send a big THANK YOU to all the donors so far.
Cezara Bratianu, Gabriela Gogu and the Anonymous donor the world needs more people like you! 100% of your money will go directly to the work in India. You will be informed when it starts :D

Have a lovely Friday,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My 25th birthday wish - video

Yes. It is here.

Alexandra Soldanescu

Today is another grateful day. I am a really lucky person. To be surrounded by all this great people is just amazing! With a lot of help from Alexandra Soldanescu the first video is ready (there will be another video with the English version).
She is a very creative person and helped me with everything. I just text-ed her on Facebook and asked her if she would be available and she immediately said yes. The day we picked for filming was very windy and
rainy but this didn't stop her. We discussed how it should look like and she perfectly put it into a beautiful 2 minutes which does send my message.
THANK YOU Alexandra cea Minunta  and everyone who is supporting my campaign!

The video explains what my 25th birthday is about and how a little gesture can bring a bigger change. I do believe that water does change everything and I am sure this birthday will help people in India get safe, clean drinking water.

How can you brighten my day? EASY.

- Share this video/blog post/ entire blog or the donation page on any social media channel you use (Facebook, Twitter etc)

- Spread the word

- Give up a pack of cigarettes or anything and donate

- JUST GIVE, the amount of dollars in my age or less

Have a nice evening,