Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday happiness

I am exhausted. It has been a long week, actually too long but when I look back it has been a great one too. I have accomplished all I had in mind. The campaign video, Romanian version, has been published and reached 176 views, awesome! Facebook page has been launched. People who I didn't get to tell about "Stefi for India" asked about it themselves because of seeing it on Facebook and gave such a great response to it. I feel blessed and I have to say THANK YOU to each one of you who shared the message, either you told a friend or you shared it online, it did make a great impact. 

At this point we reached 100$ which means 2 people will get access to clean, safe drinking water! Isn't it great!? 

The cost for one person to get clean water in India is 45$. This is a bigger sum than in some other countries in Africa where it reaches 20$. The answer to this is in the picture below.

And now I want to send a big THANK YOU to all the donors so far.
Cezara Bratianu, Gabriela Gogu and the Anonymous donor the world needs more people like you! 100% of your money will go directly to the work in India. You will be informed when it starts :D

Have a lovely Friday,

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