Sunday, October 20, 2013

charity:water wristbands for sale

Hello everyone!

My campaign Stefi for india reached $1,412 which means 31 people in India will get access to clean safe drinking water. I realized I do have some wristbands left (8 to be more specific). I got them while I was a volunteer at charity:water in NYC.So why not sell them? This way you get something for your money, a reminder you did something good, and the money you give I will all raise for India. How does it sound?

I suggest 5$ which would be around 17 lei. If you feel like giving more though it's ok :)
If interested please contact me per e-mail:

Saturday, September 14, 2013

How to donate to Stefi's 25th birthday for India if you want to?

I have been asked from various people how they could donate if they would want to.
Well that is really easy.

1. The first step is go to - >

2. Than you have to choose the amount. Here you have 3 options: either 1$, 25$ (my age) or as much as you want (every $ is welcome)

3. You will be routed to a diffrente page. Here you can put the amount of money you want to donate in dollaras. Write your First Name and Last Name and you message. If you'd like to stay anonymously than just thick the check box.
4. Now click on the pay by card as shown in the picture above. (With PayPal I am not familiar - sorry).

5. You will be re-directed to a secure payment page:

  • Card number are the 16 digits on the front of your card
  • Expiration date is also on the front side of your card
  • CVV: the 3 digit number on the back of your card

Then enter your
  • E-mail
  • Adress
  • City
  • Country
  • Postal code

Hit Submit Dontation and that's it :)



Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday happiness

I am exhausted. It has been a long week, actually too long but when I look back it has been a great one too. I have accomplished all I had in mind. The campaign video, Romanian version, has been published and reached 176 views, awesome! Facebook page has been launched. People who I didn't get to tell about "Stefi for India" asked about it themselves because of seeing it on Facebook and gave such a great response to it. I feel blessed and I have to say THANK YOU to each one of you who shared the message, either you told a friend or you shared it online, it did make a great impact. 

At this point we reached 100$ which means 2 people will get access to clean, safe drinking water! Isn't it great!? 

The cost for one person to get clean water in India is 45$. This is a bigger sum than in some other countries in Africa where it reaches 20$. The answer to this is in the picture below.

And now I want to send a big THANK YOU to all the donors so far.
Cezara Bratianu, Gabriela Gogu and the Anonymous donor the world needs more people like you! 100% of your money will go directly to the work in India. You will be informed when it starts :D

Have a lovely Friday,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My 25th birthday wish - video

Yes. It is here.

Alexandra Soldanescu

Today is another grateful day. I am a really lucky person. To be surrounded by all this great people is just amazing! With a lot of help from Alexandra Soldanescu the first video is ready (there will be another video with the English version).
She is a very creative person and helped me with everything. I just text-ed her on Facebook and asked her if she would be available and she immediately said yes. The day we picked for filming was very windy and
rainy but this didn't stop her. We discussed how it should look like and she perfectly put it into a beautiful 2 minutes which does send my message.
THANK YOU Alexandra cea Minunta  and everyone who is supporting my campaign!

The video explains what my 25th birthday is about and how a little gesture can bring a bigger change. I do believe that water does change everything and I am sure this birthday will help people in India get safe, clean drinking water.

How can you brighten my day? EASY.

- Share this video/blog post/ entire blog or the donation page on any social media channel you use (Facebook, Twitter etc)

- Spread the word

- Give up a pack of cigarettes or anything and donate

- JUST GIVE, the amount of dollars in my age or less

Have a nice evening,

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The story behind Stefi for India

It started with a simple video I watched on youtube. It was a clip from the Ellen Show. Jaden Smith, Will Smith's son, stopped by on Ellen's birthday to deliver a special gift from his family -- a donation in Ellen's honor to charity: water. The organization will build a well that will provide water to a village for 20 years. And I got so curious and wanted to find out everything about it. I started reading more and more about it online till I decided I wanna become part of this. It did take a while till I really took the decision to make what needs to be done to get closer to this charity. So I released I had to move to New York to actually be able to become a volunteer. Even though it might sound absurd or whatever you think out of a sudden I decided to leave for New York. I have signed up for the work and travel student program and I was trying to figure out where I actually want to go. I was thinking about working at the beach somewhere as a waitress when Alex, the guy at AE (American Experience) called me and told me that there were positions available at the Statue of Liberty in New York city. Then it all started. I got my visa, flew to NYC and applied for the volunteer program. It was very easy and the next Wednesday I was in charity:water's offices. Stephanie Goetz introduced me to everything. That is how it all started but the nice thing is the relationship didn't end. I moved back to Romania and I still got the chance to be part of it. charity:water did send me a jerry can all the way from the States so I could promote World Water Day from my home country.

I tried to sum it all up nice and short. Have a lovely night friends,

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Getting the campaign ready.

Today was a busy day.Besides the fact that it was cold and it did rain I feel great. We, me and Alexandra cea minunata, managed to shoot the videos, one in English one in Romanian, in which I present the message of the campaign. It was total fun and I am really grateful I have people around me that support this cause. I'm really excited and I can't wait to see it.  I'll leave you with some pictures till the video is launched.

I wish you all a lovely night,

Monday, August 26, 2013

Turning 25

Get ready for a good deed!

My birthday is almost here and I am super excited about it. WHY? Cause this year I am doing something soooooooo different. I choose to not be selfish on my day and to actually be the CHANGE I wanna see in the world. YES there are a lot of gifts I would love to get for my 25th but the idea that my birthday WILL CHANGE LIFES IN INDIA. That is the best way to celebrate 1/4 of my beautiful life.

How can you brighten my day? EASY.

- Share this page on any social media channel you use (Facebook, Twitter etc)

- Spread the word

- Give up a pack of cigarettes or anything and donate

- JUST GIVE, the amount of dollars in my age or less

Every penny of the money raised will directly fund clean water projects in developing countries. Even better, charity: water will show us exactly which projects we funded once they've been fully completed (which takes about 18 months). That means we'll know the locations and names of the communities we helped. YES that is true. I donated before ;)

Last year I quit my sort of nice and lovely job to move to New York, and besides all other plans, to volunteer for this AMAZING charity! When I first saw it I thought it couldn't real. They are the loveliest people! And on top of all the work they do along with the help of volunteers this charity calls many of the donors to wish them "Happy Birthday" or sends them hand written thank you cards.


Please donate whatever you can. Everything, big or small, helps. Please *puppy beautiful blue eyes*

We can. We will. Period.



Here's the link to my campaign: ->

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day to day tricks

Every morning I struggle to wake up and go to work. Each morning I leave at the limit time and have to handle the crowded subway. New York's MTA was great. It had AC, no service (so you didn't see all the people scrolling down facebook or hearing their calls) and it was BIG. I mean it.Although sometimes it just stopped because there was train traffic ahead I know start to appreciate other key points. As I was facing this morning routine I decided to try something new out. I used to live with a friend who always went to sleep at 11 which made me do the same it was really good. So I said to myself I'll go to sleep at 11 PM so I can get more sleep. The morning after I woke up before my alarm clock and I was waiting for it to ring. I did some stretching I looked out the window and I left 7 minutes earlier home. Guess what?Magic happen! I am so SERIOUS. There were less people that I actually got to sit all the way to work. Usually I have to try read the mind of people and sit next to the person who gets off at the earliest station or my newest trick sit next to elderly people cause they get off quicker. I got even at work earlier and didn't have to face the crowded elevator with all those ciggaret stinking people. Furtheremore more I was there when my manager send an e-mail to my team that we are not respecting our regular working schedule. GREAT!

As this started out as I pilot project I tested it for 2 weeks and it is the best thing ever. So I thought I share maybe it will make a difference in your life too.

One more thing. Try the subway at 6:20 AM. It's like time travelling. You get to see such a different perspective. The weirdest thing was that it is so empty that you hear the noise of the elevator stair. Elder people with no gadgets. No loud headphone music. It was the best.

47 min to sleep and I wanna read so .. take my advice and try it out.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The ugly truth

How come it is like this? I still wonder why? Stupid questions though. I realised that close friends, and lovers are more likely to disappoint you than anyone else. A tricky thing. You might think your friends get you, understand things you hate and all that and out of the sudden they to the things you expect least. They do the things they hurt you and act like it's nothing. Times are weird. I miss New York. I miss it badly. I miss it like nothing before. Something happened there that changed everything. It made life way easier made it more comforting. I wanna just hop on a plane and go back. I can say it almost made sense there even though sometimes I though it's too much. Right now I wish I could have a walk by the Riverside. It was so peaceful so filled with joy. Good night :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Life is so full of adventures. If you hang out with the right people it might get interesting. After an incredible rainy Friday I decided to snap out of it. First cause life is too short and secondly my free time should just be spend with a smile on my face. Right? So do what you have to do. Look in the mirror and realize the beauty of the day. Get out of bed. Make your bed. Have breakfast. Stay clean. Be happy just cause. Give it time to heal. Give it time to show you an opportunity. Think. Think. Think. Miss someone? Call. Love someone. Say it out load or show it. Do something without waiting for something in exchange. Be different. Ask yourself is this going to matter in 5 days from now before getting into a negative state. Think. That's all. Think without being selfish. Easy. Hell no. Worth it? Yes! Don't assume rather ask. Do what you love. Make a cycling appointment or two for next week. Have a coffee with a friend. Enjoy the nice sky. Find your passion. Learn something new. Put a silly song on and start singing. However be less than 4 days sad. Be yourself. Do more of what makes you happy. Be organized. Be more! Be smart. Discover your world. Embrace something new everyday. I love going to the theater. Guess what? My hometown is low in this area. I found something fun in exchange. What is your excuse? Life is funny and way too short. Put a lovely song on. Give me a smile. I am happy I have YOU in my life.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Are you ready to accept failure?

For those who don't know me, better said who don't know what I answer when asked about what is my favorite movie type. Well..that is easy. The answer is however silly but that's me. Whenever asked I say I wanna watch a happy end movie with a lot of romance with kindness happiness bubbles sparks, pink everywhere. Right. I do watch also other things that romantic Hollywood movies where you can predict the end.Why? I don't know. Cause if I look across my favorites nothing is really like that. Anyway. I always let friends surprise me. I go to the cinema and watch something picked by a friend. I had bad experiences but they weight so little. I though Avatar would be something stupid. I saw the posters and assumed it's bad even though it was the best movie at that time. I ended up watching it.

Enough about introductions. My dearly beloved friend she always chooses movies that I enjoy. This week I got to watch The impossibles which I don't wanna talk about. Tonight we watched The flight (my choice). I don't really know what I want to say. Cause I kinda got caught up writing this post but thing is I hate drinking or smoking and driving. A lot of the people I hang with do this and it's kinda ok. It's NOT. What I realized though while watching this movie is that for those 2 hours I was hoping the captain would not go to prison. I won't go into details and destroy it cause maybe you might wanna watch it. It just made me think. They did the right thing. There is a happy end. It let's you go home with a smile. 

I don't know what I am writing right now. It's 1AM I made cake today. I am exhausted. I wrote movie more than 20 times. It's bed time. 

Kind of sorry but the thing that was on my mind is are you ready to accept your failure or what makes you weak? To stand up and show it? 


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Romania is more than Bucharest

I've been living in New York fore mor than 4 months andI got so used to their amazing customer service that it was very hard to readapt. I think I ha a small fight with many cab drivers or just cashiers because of how unpolite and unprofessional they are. I just realised thought that this is a common thing forr Bucharest and I can also feel it in Brasov, my home town. This new years eve I decided to ake a train and travel for more than 10 hours and spend some time with amazing people that I see very rarely as they lie so far away and as some study abroad. Visiting Sibiu, Arad and Timisoara was as always an interesting experience but left me with something more. The cities are gorgeous! I saw amazing churches and I was very warmly suprised about the Christmas markets. They were realy getting close to the once I saw in Germany. Of coutse our culture is different and we might not be ready yet to be like others and meet friends outside in the cold while drinking 'gluhwein'. But it's nice! So yes I traveled so much and seen some many beautiful places and now I just discoverd this side of Romania is so different so grown up. Firstly yes it's not so clean and some buildings are in a very bad shape but the people make the place. Arad an Timisoara this time made me see outside the box, Bucharest. Cab drivers here are extremly nice. They don't ask you befire entering the car if where you go so they won't reject your request. They don't even try to fool you or don't give you youre change back taking it as their tip. No!This doesn't happen and let me tell you cashiers and waiters are even nicer. I couldn't believe that in Arad where we din't tip( don't think little of me) the lady was very polite and even wished us a good new year. Really?! Is this even possible? I think yes and I would recommand each one of you to get out of your town and visit other cities and feel what Romania is like and not limit it to the bad things that represent Bucharest! Be more than that! I love Bucharest because of the many cultural activities around and also the various options of entertainment. But I dislike so much taking a taxi or having to get along woth various cashiers but this is the reality. There is no escape but there is hope if you experience more:)

As I am very tired I end by telling you there is no place I feelt better when going to stay at someone as a Romanian. I ha some experiences and It got me to the conclusion that whatever our sotuation we always embrace and welcome others in our house as if it's also their home! Think about it ;)

Happy new year!