Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Get ready for a good deed!

Yes, you already know! Christmas is almost here and you're probably all excited about holidays. Damn right I am too. But listen there are some people, by this I mean me and some friends, who wanna make a special gift and we don't wanna be selfish in this. We wanna show that our youth can be involved. We are the future so let's show some heart for those in need. So.. I know your feeling like this is the part were you gonna have to close this tab as you might think I am asking for your money. I'm am but at the same time I am not! So read till the end. This summer I choose to make a dream of mine come true. It's silly but some people are weird in their me. So yes I quit my job to move to New York to volunteer for this amazing charity! When I first saw it I thought it couldn't really believe it. But seriously now it's real and it's damn special!Why? Do charity's in general donate 100% of your contribution to the cause? Yes there are some and this charity is one of them BUT on top of all that this charity calls their donors in the US to wish them "Happy Birthday" or send them hand written thank you cards.

I am talking about charity:water. The non-profit organisation is all in to bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing countries. Did you know that there is a water crises?! Did you?  Really? Maybe not but now you know. So do something different and I promise you my dream will be yours and together we will fund a water project. What?! I am not crazy or maybe I am but even you know that that is a good thing. Think about it. A water project can serve 150-300 people in a community with clean safe drinking water!!! After 18 months the project will be finished and we all can see the GPS coordinates on a map. Now why won't you give up something small like a cup a coffee, a cocktail in a pub, a 10% discount on some of your purchase. This is not the time to be selfish! This is the time to show your love. Imagine telling people you helped build a well in Africa or Asia. Isn't this something that will make them say: what?are you serious? 

A water project costs around 5000$ and I believe in 3 years we can do it! Or maybe faster! We have so many social media tools. And we all have maybe a friend who would give away 5$ or even 20$. What is 5$? Not even a pack of cigarettes! Seriously smokers!?

I ran in this water for a different cause and it was disgusting!(photo) So drinking this neaaaaaah NEVER! I can't save the world and neither can you but we can show humanity! We can make a difference. So be prepared. We will start the campaign soon and we will succeed. We will give this people a reason to smile! We will give them what they deserve:  clean, safe drinking WATER ! Cause water does change everything!

What would make you donate for my campaign?

We all this being said. Be prepared cause I count on each one of you :) And for all of you fast donors that I get the chance to see you will get a gift!

Do you ask yourself what's in for you?

Monday, November 12, 2012

What's next? and a day at a Turkish Haman

So I decided to still write on this blog. After the first day in Mexico I was busy and sometime stresses and thought nobody is reading so I should stop but than I hear people talking to me about reading this blog so why should I just stop? I love Stefi's shorts as on that blog I share my passion with you and try to make you smile. This blog though is personal and Here I an express myself and talk about my so called adventures.I will change the title and maybe the adress and keep it as a daily weekly or somwthing. Yeees :) I look forward to writing an article aboutthe states like a sum up.. but till than I'm in Turkey participating at an international project funded by the European union. It's about equality which is one of my favorite topic from all perspectives.

Enough thougj about this. Let me tell you the most important thing you have to do in Turkey. You go take a hamman bath or howeer you write it. First I thought it's silly..I paid 10 euro and for a swimming pool 2 saunas and a weird room called hamman. Well if you know me you know how I feel about spending money. But it was worth. I paid 2 extra euros and a Turkish guy made a peeling and washed my body an hair! Can i have someone to wash me everyday please?!!! It feels so good and relaxing. Imagine you come from work and your too lazy to shower and you just lay down and someone washes you. I call it heaven cause I love being clean and this way it's sooooo good! Afterwards all the employees took pictures with us and asked for our boyfriends and facebook addresses. It's cute how they just wanna take poctures with us. Is i because we are european women?We tried to have a conversation but they didn't even understand we wanted mineral water so yes we quite. I'm exhauste but this project is very funny and interestimg at the same time. I meet bulgarian, polish,latvian, lituanian and turkish people. I'm gonna go to sleep but remember while you are a student there are 2 mandatory things you have to do: erasmus and work and tave usa. Besides this try a project funded by the EU or join a student organization:)

Bunos noches amigos!